Friday, March 11, 2011

Child Support.

Every Southern Girl grows up with the idea inherent to her existence that she will hit her 20's, and her life of dedication to family being the only logical next step. Of course, there are the ever so important college years at her Daddy's Alma Mater. At 34, the only excuse for me not being married with children is that I am a doctor, which I am not. Therefore, I have no excuse.

This no excuse for a single woman lands in a lot of awkward moments. It seems my very being is an anomaly. The questions from men can be unbearable. Don't you have somebody taking care of you? do you EVER want kids? That I can handle. What bothers me is that I have been incrementally removed from social events. Old friends decide there is no way I can be around their men, so I get removed from invites, Christmas card lists, and weekly brunches. Best friends delete me from their address books before I can even pay off the bridal shower I threw for them. I'm lucky if I get a thank you!

Then there is the part where, as a Southern Girl, you have to be prepared to take care of everything. The unspoken double standard is that you need a husband to take care you, but once married, you are supposed to take care of him. Which includes smiling quietly while he orders you around calling you "woman". Woman! Where's that jacket I asked for 30 seconds ago?!?

So true to my roots, I was out looking for a husband. It's been a rough week. Sunday I took a walk on the beach with a very nice man in his mid-40's. His 16 year old daughter, thinning hair, and sunspots on his face kept reminding me more of an uncle than a lover. So he was out. Monday my car broke down (it's new), then the most horrific date on Tuesday. The most I am going to say about it is that the dude has a girls' name, a high voice, and not enough to make up for it. He also already has 2 kids that he pays child support for, and made it abundantly clear that he doesn't want anymore. In fact, if we start dating, he will most likely get snipped. Which I am sure will help with his high voice. It went downhill from there, and I am still exhausted from the aftermath. Also, annoyed that he made me buy the after dinner beers. I am wondering if I could send him a text that scares him off so that he never bothers me again. I think maybe I should start talking about marriage and children. I would have no excuse if I didn't!

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